Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Equipping Class
Join us for our Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Class! We believe that emotional health and spiritual health are deeply connected, and we cannot mature spiritually if we remain emotional infants. In this class, we will broach such topics such as grief and loss, how to grow into an emotionally healthy adult, and knowing ourselves in order to know God. There will be reading and written work to be done in between each class, which will deepen our discussion, understanding, and ownership of the material. The class is 8 weeks long, plus a week off to celebrate Easter Sunday. If you are interested in joining, please contact Liz Baldwin (liz@graceharborchurch.net) so that we have enough time to order materials for everyone. Materials are available in Spanish as well, if needed. If the cost of the materials is a burden to you, please let Liz know.