“Our hope is to make theological training accessible for everyday Christians that live in our community.”
For most people in our context, it’s a pipe dream to ever be able to pursue deeper levels of biblical study at a University or Seminary level. And often, the best you can get in the local church is a six-week Sunday School class.
Our desire is to “Train” the church to live with a biblical worldview so that they too can be fully equipped to make disciples where they are. The goal is to make ministry training more accessible to ordinary, everyday Christians by teaching deeper truths and theological realities in simple to understand ways.
We want to do this by teaching practically and actively, focusing on a person’s verbal understanding of the lesson and what they can do, as opposed to lengthy paper writing and how many pages you have read. We desire to achieve this through a blend of small group discussions, serving in the local church. The way we want to structure this Christian ministry training is by making it more akin to on the job training.
Our hope is that for many, this will be a means of equipping people who are indigenous to our city to serve our city by becoming a church planter, gospel worker or an active serving member of a local church.
“There is no better place on earth to learn the beautiful truths of God than in the midst of the local church with its highs and lows, its laughter and tears, and the real lives He has redeemed and brought into covenant relationship with himself and with one another.”