weekday prayer
“Starting our day with one another in God’s word is formative in shaping our affections for the Lord.”
There is something about starting your day with other believers, praying and seeking God’s will for the day. This is exactly what we do every Monday through Thursday from 9:00 - 9:30am. Everyday we gather together as a staff, inviting anyone who can make it to join us, to pray a Psalm. We allow the text to shape and direct our prayer as we pray for ourselves, our church, and our city.
As we gather, we are also reminded of all the different ways that the Lord is answering our prayers. Some specifically, others generally… but without a doubt God is hearing us and answering the prayers of his people in a multitude of different ways.
Obviously not everyone can make it at that time… but for those who can, these are sweet formative times together forming habits that cultivate our hearts for the Lord. Our desire is to be a people of prayer, and this is just one of many opportunities to become such.
Whether you are wanting to learn to pray, are in need of prayer, or just want to begin your day in the Word… we invite you to join us for WeekDay Prayer.
“Our weekday prayer is an invaluable rhythm throughout the week for me. I have benefitted from the steady practice of having my own understanding of who the Lord is as well as having my own prayer life and language shaped by His word. And on top of that is the privilege of hearing how the Lord is doing this in the lives and hearts of those who gather each day to pray the scriptures.”